
December 10, 2013

Mommy’s Sexy leg’s

Mommy has such sexy leg’s. I secretly like to watch her leg’s when she is least expecting me. She is trying on a body suit right now as I watch and it makes her leg’s look lickable! I really wanna run up behind mommy and grab her tit’s and ass bend her over the chair and make a sticky mess on her legs. I think if I did mommy would beg me to pound her silky pussy. Maybe I would so that for her but maybe if I wanna be real naughty I would make her wait. I wanna be the one in her big bed at night that has her spread wide and her sexy leg’s wrapped all around me as I plunge into her with my hard cock. Mommy really should keep her curtain’s closed cause I am not the only one who like’s to watch. I saw him today next door with his hand’s in his pant’s looking right at my mommy when she had her tit’s out. I wonder if mommy […]
November 26, 2013

Sissy maid locked up tight

My sissy maid is un deniably quite a naughty one! She just never quit’s mis-behaving so I taught her a little lesson. I grabbed her off the street and bound her wrist’s with zip tie’s she really fought at first but then she got tired and she was a lot easier to play with. This is what happened when after I left her in my powder room. I walked in on her in my panties with her hands all over her tiny cock and that is a no no! We have company coming after all she need’s to learn patience so now I have her locked in a cock cage so she can not play with that teeny tiny cock! I just could not help myself I made sure and took plenty of picture’s with my little cam I hid away before she got all dressed up and pretty. She was so humiliated how I laughed as I rubbed the front of her pantie’s making her struggle even more. Like a Spider playing with a […]
November 10, 2013

No Excuses

I don’t and will not hear or listen to any feeble excuses you might want to voice for not showing up at the time you were instructed to do so.Get on your knees and start begging put the stocking over your head first then as you get down on those sorry knees of yours take one piece of clothing off as you make a crawl to me.By the time you reach the spot i have marked you will take this scarf and blindfold your eyes. Then you will get on all fours just like the dog you are and then my slave you will take the punishment of a dog slave.Oh that’s right you will take it up that sissy cunt hole of yours i am going to make you into a pure sissy slut for not doing as you were instructed.Maybe the next time you will listen better. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
October 28, 2013


I am into plushophilia I have a friend that get’s dressed in his teddy suit for me. My teddy bear is a sexy,furry piece of ass and he know’s just how to satisfy all my deep,sexy desire’s. When I walk into his living room there is a large bed covered in various stuffed animal’s and in the middle big as life is my Teddy and all the fur just get’s me hot! I sit down in front of Teddy and notice his hard cock bulging through all that scrumptious fur. He slowly rises from his sitting position and furry mits on both my knee’s and I swat his big teddy bear mouth calling him a bad bear as he pushes my knee’s apart and slide’s my skirt up. Mmm, I watch as he touch’s my teddy bear face tattoo that is right above my pantie line, sending shiver’s all the way to my clit! I can not wait any longer I will burst, he snatche’s my pantie’s down and turn’s me over. With my ass […]
October 1, 2013

On his knees

There is a time and place for everything in life but one thing is a proven fact and that all slaves that come to me are put firmly in their place and that is on their knees and bowing before me.There is no begging for anything else because all that would do is piss me off and that you would not want to happen. That and the fact you will belong to me and listen to no one else you will only hear my voice in your head telling you what i expect from you at all times no matter where you are.Think you are a worthy enough to be a slave to me we shall see. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
September 30, 2013

Dirty dean and a sexy college girl

Two cute dark haired college girl’s are gossiping back and forth to each other. “Crissy is a sexy college girl her skirt is short and her top is low cut. Guy’s look at her and think she must be a slut.” one of them say’s. The other one say’s “She get’s called into the dean’s office a whole bunch I wonder if she like’s going up there.”  I was walking by the door once and this is what I saw. The dean had Crissy over desk and her legs were spread wide I could see her red panties and he was spanking her hard. “No,Mr. dean I am not a dirty girl I keep my pantie’s real clean for you!” Crissy said softly. “I do not believe you Ms.Madison and you know what happens if you are naughty and lie to me right?” said the dean.  He snatched her panties down to her ankle’s and pulled her leg’s farther open and he spanked her pussy!! ” I do not think your pantie’s are clean enough maybe […]
September 16, 2013

Secret depravity

I am your secret & most trusted fetish conversationalist. Bound on the ground by your bad ass mistress you shake from the panic you feel at what I plan to put you through. I know what you need deep down your inner depravity speak’s to mine. You want to be stepped on and called the most vile and disgusting name’s. I smear dark red lipstick all across your face,you are such a sick,disappointing piece of garbage and no one but me can stand the sight of you. Whimpering, swine that you are did you think for one minute your stench would not bother me? I can feel the filth coming off you in wave’s. I see you laying on your belly before me struggling against the binding embrace of the handcuff’s and I think to myself just how simple it would be choke you till you turn blue you miserable,horrid sleaze! Maybe I will do the world a favor and drop you into an open hole in the desert your wife thinks your a joke she […]
September 2, 2013


Forniphilia is a form of bondage and sexual objectification in which a person’s body is incorporated into a chair, table, cabinet or other piece of furniture. I have a slut of a submissive who love’s to be my part of my table I rest my feet on her breast’s she stay’s very still when I lay my drink on her back or if she disobey’s she is punished! Her nipple’s are twisted and she is spanked hard! Crissy 1*888*430*2010
August 22, 2013

Hell on Heels

So much pleasure from high heels they have so many uses from making you feel all sexy and all woman to grinding the heel of the shoe into someone cock and watch him squirm to making him scream from the pain you love inflicting on him.Having him strip and humiliate him infront of his family and friends the taking the heel of those awesome shoes of yours and inflicting the pain he so needs and deserves.He blushes bright red from the humiliation and he will scream from the pain.What more could you ask for except to maybe cuckold him also.Let him watch while his wife gets fucked by his best friend since he was fucking his best friends wife and he so got caught.And now its time to pay the piper though he would so get away with it but nope he shouldn;t have left his diaper behind.He pleads and begs for this not to happen promising he will never do that again but its so too late for promises. Minnie 1.888.430.2010
August 20, 2013

pantie obsession

You have not really lived till you played with a pantie obsessed man! Jason is so into setting such a dirty scene for me when he cum’s over. I walk in and his living room is covered in pile’s of pantie’s and he is naked stroking his huge hard cock with a pair of wet red silk panties. He is laying on the rug and moaning as he handle’s his fuck pump. He beckon’s to me and I fall under his spell. I walk over and strip down to my pantie’s and stand over his face then as he is tug’s on he leans his face up and wraps his tongue into my pantie’s worshiping my pussy with his soft mouth I feel my juice’s cum down and he pulls his tongue out and let’s my panties catch all the cream. He groans low as he slips my pantie’s slowly and down and then lick’s them clean and stuff’s them inside my pussy and thrust’s into me. Dirty man~! I love it! Crissy 1*888*430*2010
August 7, 2013

Domme Victoria

Yes i am your Domme Victoria and you shall address me as such i will take your thoughts and use them against you.I will own you body and soul and that thing you call a penis will be tucked between your legs if possible because it is not worth anything else isn;t big enough to take care of anyone.You will dress in whatever i choose and do just whatever i want you to do i know you love dressing up in pantyhose and frilly dresses hahaha.The weekends will be cleaning and doing chores around my place yes you will be dressed as a slutty sissy maid because that is what you will be.Just think you want this body so bad you will do whatever i want but will never be able to touch me. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
August 5, 2013

Once upon a sleazy night

One upon a sleazy night a mommy burned a candle nice and bright to drip the wax on your chest as you struggled and squirmed trying your best. Mommy would not let you get away saying that bad word that you did say she washed your mouth out with soap and bound your wrist’s and ankles with rope. Cut your clothes off while you asked her why and she replied I taught you to never tell a lie! Better to get the truth and eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. Now it is too late you will get what is coming to you and next time you will keep secret’s and you will clean your plate. A Mother’s work is never done & handing out punishment is half the fun!!! With a gleam in my eye I put the cock cage on your tiny little peepee and grinded your balls with my knee. Kisses Crissy 1*888*430*2010