diaper girl

February 14, 2019

My Fetish Diary Part 2

Dear Diary, Well, I did it! Joe took the bait and I actually bullied him into Dare. So once he chose that, I got him to dress up in my heels, blouse, and miniskirt “for the evening”. We are the same size! You should have seen his face five minutes later when the doorbell rang!!  He ran for his room, but I said, “Oh no you don’t!! That’s Master Brent, and if you try to hide, I will tell him where you are and he’ll see you all dolled up like that. I’ll tell him who you are!” He looked petrified. “But …. if you just pretend to be a girl tonight – you’ll pass with a wig, from my bedroom. I won’t tell him as long as you say you are my room mate named Jill!”  He thought it over quickly, then ran to my bedroom for the wig. I let Brent in, and told him if he would wait on the couch for a few minutes, I had a surprise for him. He […]
January 12, 2019

Keeping it in the family

Last week, while visiting my aunt, I found out just how much fun it is to have the kind of family I do. First, I was in my aunt’s library. I found a most INTERESTING section on one shelf. Books about spanking, domination, just about anything that might tickle your fancy.  Curious and intrigued, I picked up one. I got comfortable in one of the chairs in the library. However, soon I was breathing hard , sweating a little, and straining and wiggling in my seat. I decided to take the book to my bedroom for further … study.  Suddenly, I heard the back door. “Jenna …. Jenna, are you home?” It was my aunt! I tried to hide what I was doing, but she walked into the room while my skirt was still pulled up and my panties pulled aside. “Ummm…” I couldn’t think of anything to say.  “Jenna! We’ve talked about this before. Don’t put your fingers there – that’s dirty!” I blushed at the way she spoke to me … but then….. […]
February 1, 2018

Naughty Edge Play Mistress Part 1 !

Welcome To my No taboo dungeon you are here against your will and you must be confused onto how this happened. See about 3 weeks ago I had received an email about some rape fantasy you had and that you would do anything to have it happen. So last night when we met at the club i kinda gave you a little something to make you forget how you got here! You may call me Mistress Jenna And I am going to make you my fetish bitch. And you have no say about what happens so first let me just bend you over and hand cuff your hands and feet apart with your ass pointed in the air! See you think this session is about  your pleasure but in reality you have no control over what happens to you in here!  do you? I walk over and slide a circled gag Call me for some No Taboo Phone Sex! Jenna 888-430-2010 OR click HERE to chat with a Phone Sex mommy #edgeplay #notaboo #domination
September 25, 2017

My Human Toilet Phone Sex!

You know exactly What i have brought you in and forced you as my  Submissive slave, you begged for this didn’t you? What I can’t hear you! I grab you by the back of your head and force you into my sexy latex panties! You have to give me an answer when I am talking to you.  I want you to say Yes Mistress now go and lay down under that box and i am going to pull y sexy panties down and sit down over your face. And you know what? You wanna know your use for me now? You be my human toilet for me to to use whenever i please no matter what do you understand me ? Now open your mouth like a good slut!  I know how bad you want this i can tell the little buldge in your panties hehehe Now Open your mouth wider and call me for some Domination phone sex! Janey 888-430-2010 Or click HERE to chat with a Phone Sex mommy #domination #notaboo #obeyyourmistress
July 11, 2017

Stinky Diaper Changes With Crissy

What’s that stinky smell in that adult baby phone sex diaper? Pee yew little abdl phone sex boy you sure do stink! What’s that? You made a messy in your diaper? That’s why it stinks so much? You should of just told mommy you made a messy in your diaper! You’re so stinky let’s get you out of that messy adult diaper and into a fresh new dry one. It will feel so much better to be in a fresh dry pamper than a messy and wet one! Plus if you stay in that poopy adult diaper for too long you’ll end up getting a big ol diaper rash and we don’t want that for adult baby do we? So let’s get you up on that changing table and get those legs in the air because mommy is about to give you an adult baby phone sex diaper change! Crissy 1-888-430-2010 Click HERE to chat with a phone sex Mommy #diaperpunishment #diapersex #adultbaby
May 8, 2017

Role Play No Taboo Phone Sex

Let’s come here and wrap me in this sweat holding body suit and I have a straw attachment to so you can drink it whenever i say to understand me naughty slave I know how much you love to beg my mistress’s sweat especially the sweat between mistress’s legs. Excuse me? What do we say? Hmmm? Get on your knees and I grab a hold of you and just pee right on your face and just degrade you to make you feel like you’re no man and to embarrass you to the point you start crying which really tell me that you are no man! Not at all not even a tiny bit! Haha Get over here and start drinking my sweat and taste me inside your whore mouth! How does it taste? Hmm it’s your favorite! Now slip me out of this ad start licking from my toes all the way up to my nipples nice and slow! Call me for some No Taboo phone sex! Tawny 888-430-2010 Or click HERE to chat with […]
August 27, 2015

MILF Barb’s Toilet Slave

Dear Diary, today I had a nice long session with my toilet slave. It is almost pathetic just how submissive he is. He does everything I say and takes all of my harsh words and punishments, even when he is not misbehaving! Maybe it is cruel of me, but the fact of the matter is that I needed a pet to toilet train and make them my little slave. I have a fenced in area in my back yard separate from the rest of my yard which is actually very clean and appealing to the eye. A manicured lawn, a sparkling pool, gardens along the edges home to many different types of beautiful flowers. And then there was the pig pen as I called it. Home to my little sissy bitch. He doesn’t do anything all day long other than stay in his pen. It is muddy and filthy inside of the pen. There is a small hutch to keep the weather off of him, but other than a small hay covered wooden platform, no […]
August 14, 2015

Caught You Masturbating!

Dear Diary, my adult baby got into some trouble the other day… I had just finished changing his wet diaper and left to go heat up a bottle of milk for him. When I came back into the nursery to feed him, I heard the strangest sound… It was like skin slapping and a plastic crinkly sound. I looked around and what did I see? My adult baby doing some naughty things to himself! “Mommy caught you masturbating again?!” I exclaimed in disbelief, hands on my hips, looking very stern. He looked frightened, as he should be, and the guilt on his face was evident. I knew I had to inflict a punishment that was sure to make him realize who is in charge here! I put him in a lacy, pink dress with some cute white stockings to go underneath and a dainty pair of mary jane shoes. Only mommy masturbates you unless you ask permission! It is a lesson that little sissy won’t soon forget! XOXO, Barb 888 – 938 – 7382
July 7, 2013

A sexy diaper girl knocks on your door…

A sexy diaper girl knock’s on your door and you greet her with a horny smile.She looks so hot you think as you look her up and down you notice her skirt is just short enough to see her puffy white diaper. You have plans for her she looks so good then you lead her into the living room start slipping her coat off and then you drink her in as the coat fall’s to the floor. She has the sexiest body you have ever seen that tight white t-shirt cling’s to her full breast’s that is when she lays back on the couch and spreads her leg’s wide for you.Her tight pussy is in full view as you pull her diaper open and finger her wet slit then slip your tongue in and suck her clit harder and harder, lashing your tongue deeper inside her. She is grinding her thigh’s into your cheeks as her legs are over your shoulder’s. The moment hit’s you and you lean up and slip her top off and […]
February 4, 2013

Milky Milky

ABies can be nasty naughty little things. Always trying to put their hands down their diapers and tugging on their weewees until they’re sticking out and then getting them to squirt all over the inside of their dirty diapers. Filthy little ABies! When I’m babysitting I’m very strict about exactly what kind of fun my adult babies are allowed to have. Any little bit of misbehavior and there is absolutely no special fun allowed for my bad ABies. Of course, I know adult babies who aren’t allowed to play with themselves, or with their hot and teasing sitters, still need to get all that sticky messy cum out. So what I have to do is milk their dirty little weewees. I set them up on their changing mat and put on a latex glove before I open up their diaper to see their pathetic little weewee. Milking is a very laborious process. You have to get a firm grip at the base, then squeeze and roll upwards till you reach the shiny pink head. Once […]
February 1, 2013

Foot fetish

Z. had a foot fetish he would get hard even thinking about a gorgeous pair of ladies feet in silk stockings or black leather heels. I had a real surprise planned for him he came home so exhausted from his day as soon as he caught a glimpse of me in my sheer nightie & matching thigh highs he grabbed me and lifted me on to the kitchen table splaying his fingertips up to my thigh and rubbing all the way down to my ankle. He traced the length of my toes kissing each one then started to lick my feet after this he started to make his way up my thigh. I could feel his hard cock pushing against his pants so I unzipped them and it sprang free like an animal being released from its cage. Horny as ever he pulled me off the table on to the big rug then he lay there as he positioned feet around his throbbing cock making a stocking clad pussy shape with my arches, he had […]
January 28, 2013

Sneaky Lacy

I did something just a wee little bit naughty this week! I was just about to have some special Lacy time (hehehe) when Daddy said we were going to have lunch over at one of my ABy friends houses. Well I had already gotten myself soooo excited that I couldn’t just get up and go to lunch without having a little bit of fun! I picked one my little but mighty vibrators and stuck it down my diaper between my little pussy lips, and I ran downstairs to leave with Daddy! When we got to our ABy friends house, I slipped into an empty room and put my hand down my diaper and turned my little pink vibrator on. I knew right away that it was on wayyy to high hehehe, but Daddy came in to get me before I got a chance to turn it down! My legs were like jello while I felt myself get completely soaked in my diaper! Daddy told me and my ABy friend to go play while lunch was […]