Caught You Masturbating!
August 14, 2015My ABDL Hubby
October 4, 2015

Dear Diary, today I had a nice long session with my toilet slave. It is almost pathetic just how submissive he is. He does everything I say and takes all of my harsh words and punishments, even when he is not misbehaving! Maybe it is cruel of me, but the fact of the matter is that I needed a pet to toilet train and make them my little slave. I have a fenced in area in my back yard separate from the rest of my yard which is actually very clean and appealing to the eye. A manicured lawn, a sparkling pool, gardens along the edges home to many different types of beautiful flowers. And then there was the pig pen as I called it. Home to my little sissy bitch. He doesn’t do anything all day long other than stay in his pen. It is muddy and filthy inside of the pen. There is a small hutch to keep the weather off of him, but other than a small hay covered wooden platform, no comforts are to be had for the sissy slave. He eats only the slop that I prepare with little care and pour into the large trough in the pen. I do not clean it often and the rancid bits of food remain in the pen, adding to the general filth unless he eats every single bite. His excrement stays in the pen and I rarely clean it either. I ignore and neglect him despite his cries for attention from the fence. The only attention he gets from me is when I am shoving my asshole in his face and releasing my bowels on to his face and body. If not scat, I cover him in a golden shower, covering his form in a warm, wet stream right from my body. Good piggy.
