
September 17, 2012

Furry Fun

It’s been a while since I’ve had some furry fun, so today; I asked Daddy if I could put on my furry gear during my play time. Daddy helped me put on my face makeup: little pink nose, long whiskers, and long eyelashes. I put on my kitty ears and Daddy helped me put on my furry kitty tail. It’s my favorite part of dressing up as a kitty, my long pretty tail! Once I was all ready, Daddy left me alone to have my special play time. I have a little book of my favorite furry pictures. Lots of pretty furry girls all dressed up and playing and posing. I like to curl up and roll around while I look at the pictures and rub my long soft tail between my legs. I meow and lick my paws while I rub against things just like a kitty! Sometimes when Daddy comes in to check on me he scratches me behind my ears or down my back. I love to purr and nuzzle against his legs. […]
July 5, 2008

Soft pink

I went to my first Anthrocon last weekend. Previously, being an adult baby girl, I also considered myself a babyfur. But after this weekend I definetly realized that I prefer the more adult side of furry fandom. I found quite a few yiffing orgies and just like a female cat in heat I was swinging my soft pink pussy in every males face. Ever had a fantasy of fucking a drop dead sexy female cat creature. You can cum pet this sweet lil pussy anytime. ~Lacy