
October 28, 2013


I am into plushophilia I have a friend that get’s dressed in his teddy suit for me. My teddy bear is a sexy,furry piece of ass and he know’s just how to satisfy all my deep,sexy desire’s. When I walk into his living room there is a large bed covered in various stuffed animal’s and in the middle big as life is my Teddy and all the fur just get’s me hot! I sit down in front of Teddy and notice his hard cock bulging through all that scrumptious fur. He slowly rises from his sitting position and furry mits on both my knee’s and I swat his big teddy bear mouth calling him a bad bear as he pushes my knee’s apart and slide’s my skirt up. Mmm, I watch as he touch’s my teddy bear face tattoo that is right above my pantie line, sending shiver’s all the way to my clit! I can not wait any longer I will burst, he snatche’s my pantie’s down and turn’s me over. With my ass […]
July 5, 2008

Soft pink

I went to my first Anthrocon last weekend. Previously, being an adult baby girl, I also considered myself a babyfur. But after this weekend I definetly realized that I prefer the more adult side of furry fandom. I found quite a few yiffing orgies and just like a female cat in heat I was swinging my soft pink pussy in every males face. Ever had a fantasy of fucking a drop dead sexy female cat creature. You can cum pet this sweet lil pussy anytime. ~Lacy