girls in diapers

January 28, 2013

Sneaky Lacy

I did something just a wee little bit naughty this week! I was just about to have some special Lacy time (hehehe) when Daddy said we were going to have lunch over at one of my ABy friends houses. Well I had already gotten myself soooo excited that I couldn’t just get up and go to lunch without having a little bit of fun! I picked one my little but mighty vibrators and stuck it down my diaper between my little pussy lips, and I ran downstairs to leave with Daddy! When we got to our ABy friends house, I slipped into an empty room and put my hand down my diaper and turned my little pink vibrator on. I knew right away that it was on wayyy to high hehehe, but Daddy came in to get me before I got a chance to turn it down! My legs were like jello while I felt myself get completely soaked in my diaper! Daddy told me and my ABy friend to go play while lunch was […]
December 3, 2012


I’m really really ticklish all over! Every time somebody even pretends to tickle me I start wiggling and giggling. Daddy knows how ticklish I am and sometimes he surprises me hehehe. I spend lots of time cuddling with Daddy, it feels so nice and warm and safe. Sometimes though, when I’m sitting on Daddy’s lap all of a sudden he turns into a tickle monster! Daddy holds me tight and starts tickling my tummy. I start squealing and giggling and squirming all around, while he just keeps on going hehehe. He pulls up my shirt and tickles up under my arms and back down my sides. When I try to kick my legs, Daddy catches one and tickles under my knee then down to my feet. Sometimes he tickles me so much I can’t even catch my breath and Daddy slows down for a little bit and I start to relax. That’s when Daddy goes for the best, most fun kind of tickling! He pulls open my diapy and starts tickling my sensitive little pussy […]
November 10, 2008

He lays me down on the bed I look over to see he has everything I might need He places his hands on my thighs and gently spreads my legs He looks into my eveys lovingly as he opens the diaper My daddy takes his time, cleaning me, making sure I am fully taken care of I love my daddy and he loves me Every gesture is that of love Of making sure his baby girl has the best care Whenever I look at my daddy, I just know… Lacy 1 888 430 2010
October 17, 2008

We are having a party

We are having a Halloween bash over at phoneamommy in our free chat. Everyone is invited. It’s going to be lot’s of fun. And even if you are not into the AB/DL lifestyle, that’s ok. There will be all kinds of people showing up. Even some of the ladies from MadisonsDirtySecrets. So be sure to make it. It’s gonna be awesome.
August 30, 2008

My diapered bum

Daddy, look at my diapered butt. Isn’t it cute, I try to look pretty for my daddy in my new pink nightgown with my thickly diapered bum underneath. Daddy can I sleep in your bed tonight? Pleeeeease? I get so lonely in my crib and I want to snuggle with you Daddy. I love my Daddy sooo much. Baby Lacy ~come change my diaper daddy
August 14, 2008


I had an AWESOME call with a babyfur buddy. We talked about all kinds of things. He even gave me a few tips on making diapers for my fursuit. He is a cute lil wolfie cub. It is so much fun to just kick back and chat about our lifestyle, especially if you don’t have alot of friends and family that are very understanding. We are also going to set up a very elaborate rol play for next time through email. I can’t wait. Lacy Kitty
August 8, 2008

Dirty girl

Daddy, I was a naughty girl this morning. I went outside and got all muddy playing in the hose. I think I need daddy to give me a nice bubble bath and get me all clean. Then when I am done daddy will put me in a nice thick diaper and let me crawl into the big bed and cuddle. I love my daddy. Baby Lacy come chat with me
July 25, 2008


I had the greatest age regression call the other day. Usually one of us is the adult and the other one gets regressed. This time, I regressed my naughty boyfriend and who then turned into the naughty baby. He got ahold of my age regression powder and sprinkled it on my pillow. So I usually put him down for a nap in the bed with me and when I layed down…you guessed it. So now we were both about toddler size and I had no one to diaper me, heehee. From there he managed to get me in a diaper. He used just a little more of the powder so I was a little bit younger than him. After I was good and dipaered the real fun began Baby Lacy
June 29, 2008

Pink Lacy

Your babygirl is waiting Daddy, won’t you cum and play. I got all dressed up in my prettiest pink dress just for my daddy. But now my diaper is all wet and I need someone to change me. I don’t want anyone else but you, my big strong, handsome Daddy taking care of all his babygirls needs. After you change my diaper maybe we can play one of your special games daddy. I love spending time, just me and you. ~ Baby girl Lacy cum chat with me
June 19, 2008

Lacys been a naughty girl

Sometimes, when I am getting my diaperchanged, I can be a really naughty babygirl. I fuss and fight with daddy. So daddy has to go to extreme measures to make it easier on him to change me. First he gives my bottom a good paddling. Then, while I am still restrained  daddy has some fun with his little girls baby pussy. He has lots of toys to tease me with.  I will tell you a little secret. I purposely pitch a fit when daddy changes me. Because when daddy ties me up, I know we are gonna have so much fun.          Baby Girl Lacy
June 8, 2008

No Ageplay taboos

Do you enjoy ageplay fantasy? I do and I know how hard it can be to find someone who will play out this fantasy. When it comes to these things I have no limits. I will indulge and enjoy every minute of our fantasy world. I will be as young and as nasty as you have always dreamed of. I will let you do whatever you want. But I don’t just act out a fantasy, I completely get into my role and I will get off just as hard as you. Fantasy Girl Lacy come chat with me and the other girls