
June 3, 2012


I said i would humiliate you in front of all your friends,family,coworkers just whomever i please and wherever i please to humiliate you at i would do it.And you have tried to get the balls to ask me why even  cum crawling back on those knees begging me to tell you why i did it.So tell me this what did it get you nothing is right that is because you don’t deserve answer to those mind blogging questions that floats thru your head at times.You deserve nothing from me and that is exactly what you get except my disgust at your attempts to get on my good side and as you have found out the hard way i don’t have a good side to me.So back on those knees and crawl back where you came from. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
May 15, 2012

Lick Me

You know that is what you are wanting and drooling to do is lick my sweet pussy i see the look in your eyes,i can tell by the way you follow my fingers as i dip them into my sweet cunt.That tongue of your’s knows the taste of me does it not. So you have returned for more have you not returned to lick me can’t get enough of my sweet juices can you but what are you going to give me in return for licking my pussy i am waiting for a answer and you know i don’t like to be kept waiting.Get back on those knees where i put you earlier but first take off those clothes you know that is not allowed.Oh so much better now starting telling me what makes you deserve another taste of me.What makes you worth my time in letting you have this one finally taste. Victoria 1.888.430.2010