naughty teacher

August 27, 2012

Bound and Gagged

Oh but you disobeyed me did you not sneaking around at night slipping out thru the windows bad thing to do especially when you got caught.Now look at you all bound and gagged in my basement of torment and this is where you will stay.Until i decide other wise we discussed this earlier in the time that you wanted to be my slave i told you what i expected and that was complete honest with me but no you chose not to be and after only one week.Now tell me even after you signed the papers why did you lie to me and do this was it because you wanted to be punished even more than what has happened. Now you have crossed so many lines with me i am going to leave you like this until i might cool down and might not.You will just have to stay here and wait and see mean time i am going shopping and out to dinner with some friends and you slave will stay bound and gagged […]
August 21, 2012

Sensual Scents

You love the smell of most anything especially women they are and have the most erotic scents about them.You love it when she strips off her clothing one piece at a time teasing you She bends over and takes her cool sweet time turning the water on in the massive tub then she takes a bottle of Jasmine oil that you bought her while you were vacationing over seas.You love the sensual scent of this woman most of all you inhale her scent as she walks by you.Smiling as she kinda twist her butt cheeks and looking all shyly at you then as she walks back toward you.Those arms of yours snake out and grab her holding her tightly against your chest leaning down and staking claim to those lips you love of hers. She twist out of your embrace laughing back into the bathroom and stepping down into the tub of Jasmine oil letting out a long sigh as the hot water envelopes her body then she turns your way watching you as you […]
August 2, 2012


They line up waiting on the long boards they are directed to walk to each one dressed the same as all.The crowd is whispering until they see them walking the line and looking down into the crowd.As each slave in told to come foreward the crowd gets even louder.The women loves the looks of the new slaves being auctioned off.The training of these slaves will be very  tiresome some will be trained to be sex slaves,foot,body,cuckold,stocking,shoe,etc and mainly just whatever these women want them to be these slaves are here to be auctioned off and to make sure they give the upmost pleasure to their owners if not then they will go and be auctioned off at another place that they would not want to be. Doris 1.888.430.2010
July 19, 2012

Horny mom at thebeach

I am a real horny mom and I just love to wear skimpy swim wear while I sun myself at the beach. This is a topless secluded beach I am just laying out with my great tits on display for all the horny men walking around to check out. I hear a noise and sit up to look and as I shield my eyes from the sunshine ,you walk up and sit down in front of me. I just look at you biting my bottom lip with a knowing smile..mmm let the games begin I think. All of a sudden you reach in your back pocket and pull out a silk scarf and then u blindfold me with it. then u start to lead me away from my sunny spot to a small but lavish tent. I noticed we have stopped then u remove my blindfold. What I see is so sexy! the tent is made of the same red silk that you blindfolded me with and there is candles everywhere. I notice silver platters […]