youtube giantess

December 27, 2008

dangerous Giantess

She doesn’t even know that you are there, standing in her plate. She is laughing and talking to her friends and you are scrambling trying to climb out of this huge battlefield. You get to the edge, and are almost out, as the spoon swoops down and knocks you back to the middle of the plate. It’s no use, you aren’t getting out, you tell yourself. Then she brings the spoon down and you are on it. Watching in horror as you move towards her mouth, should you jump, or just go with some dignity, a meal for a Giantess?   Kisses, Emma    
December 20, 2008

Finding sexy images everywhere

        Look around you and if you start noticing sexual things around you, you might realize you are a very sexual person. I do this. I find myself seeing nude bodies in the clouds, or curves of men and women anyway. There are naughty things to be discovered everywhere, in the way water erodes rock formations, it’s just wild. Maybe I am the only nutty nympho who sees them hehehe.   Kisses, Emma  
November 15, 2008

My little man

Don’t worry, I will share my toy. The other end is for you. The more you lean into it, and the deeper it goes, the smaller you grow. I really like this special magic lube that I put on it. Now you will be the size of a sex toy. Smaller than this one, and perfect for me. I don’t know what you are fussing about, you’ve been whining to get in my panties for weeks now. I guess this wasn’t the way you intended to be in them though.   Kisses,| Emma
September 27, 2008

what a great week

  This week has been very interesting. You guys rock at coming up with interesting roleplays for us to do. I had one that had me grow up to a huge size after a doctor gave me an odd vaccination before a trip out of the country. One tiny man that I found in my cigarette pack really made my night. Then I had a man who shrunk smaller and smaller as I talked to him, my voice was in a pitch that shrunk people. Thank you for the fun week, and I hope a fun weekend.   Kisses, Emma  
July 26, 2008

Feet First

   Body worship, do any of you like it as much as I do? When a man starts to worship my body I prefer me start at my feet. It’s the build up of knowing that tongue is making its way up. I know some people aren’t into feet, so I ma not 100% stubborn that they MUST start there; it’s just what I like. I don’t see myself complaining about body worship one way or another.   Kisses, Emma