
April 19, 2013

Pussy Worship

Come just a little bit closer that’s right your getting there now stay down on those knees don’t look up yet i heard that grumble from deep in your throat now for that crawl back three steps,maybe next time you won’t grumble so loudly.As you will learn that is not happening in my presents you will do as told and nothing else because runs thru that so called brain of yours. Its like you didn’t ask for this you begged and begged to be allowed to worship my sweet pussy i also told you what you would have to do in order to even get close to my pussy.Oh i have such a sweet surprise for you i watch as you crawl closer and closer  that mind of yours working overtime drooling from those lips dripping down onto the floor as you crawl even closer but never once did i tell you that i would allow you to taste this sweet pussy of mine. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
September 12, 2012

On his knee’s

He is forced to crawl across the floor to get what he wants from her he wants her so badly that he will do just anything to have her.She is his soul mate or so he thinks she has rebuffed him at everything he has tried to get her to be his nothing has worked so he came to this if he takes and strips everything off and bares himself to her body and soul will she see how much he cares for her. He isn’t too sure but he does it anyways as he is on the floor naked and waiting his thoughts to this woman that has captured him.She rarely smiles and when she does it lights up his whole world but when she isn’t smiling that he has stepped over some line her rage is uncontrol able.But he doesn’t care he wants her with everything in his body and soul. Doris 1.888.430.2010 awesome drawing : smalldrawings :
May 15, 2012

Lick Me

You know that is what you are wanting and drooling to do is lick my sweet pussy i see the look in your eyes,i can tell by the way you follow my fingers as i dip them into my sweet cunt.That tongue of your’s knows the taste of me does it not. So you have returned for more have you not returned to lick me can’t get enough of my sweet juices can you but what are you going to give me in return for licking my pussy i am waiting for a answer and you know i don’t like to be kept waiting.Get back on those knees where i put you earlier but first take off those clothes you know that is not allowed.Oh so much better now starting telling me what makes you deserve another taste of me.What makes you worth my time in letting you have this one finally taste. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
October 30, 2008

One Hot Redhead

I was blessed with red hair, which I think is highly sexy.  There is something about a redheadded woman, don’t you think?  The way they carry themselves with confidence.  They are someone you just want to be around, or fuck, which ever lol. Maggie 1-888-430-2010
July 30, 2008


i had a wonderful call the other day this guy just wanted to worship my ass, and oh my goodness could he. this dude took the best care of my ass that i am just amazed. we got to talking after the roleplay he said he had always had a thing for asses ever since he could remember, i told him he could come back and worship mine anytime he wanted to. MINNE
February 28, 2008

Your New God

Why are you sitting there reading this when you could be on the phone with Me? What is keeping you? No excuses. This God does not like those who are tardy in paying their daily adoration to Me. I expect nothing less then total servitude from you. Many cannot handle My right to be worshiped and paid attention to all the time. Every time you breath, speak, sleep, touch, smell, see, feel, when you do anything I am to be your only thought. As I said, I am a God and will be treated as such. Your God commands you to call. NOW! Your Divine Being, Ms. Angel http://www.sexydomination.com/angel.html 1-888-430-2010
February 20, 2008

Meet Mistress Angel

Allow Me to introduce Myself. My name is Angel, and yes I am a Mistress. I have been a Mistress in real time for a few years now and NO I am not looking for a real time slave, I have plenty who worship Me and Am currently not looking for anyone to add to My stable of submissives and slaves. If you ask you will be denied, so do not request this of Me. I felt it was time for Me to branch out and I have found Myself here. When you call Me do not expect Me to yell and scream. There is more to Domination then raising One’s voice to a pitch that splits steel beams. Being Dominant over someone is in One’s attitude, the inflection in One’s voice, realizing that a Dominant Woman is One who should be treated like a true God and adored. Yelling only works for the Insane and Mother’s correcting their children, I am neither of these. If you wish to further read about Me, please visit […]
September 3, 1213

Domme Of Dreams

I am and can be the nightmare of your dreams I will make you do all kinds of humiliating things in public.I am the Domme in your sorry so called life.But you will worship me from the floor in which that is about all you deserve you will not look me in the eyes unless given permission to do so.Only speak when i give permission and that will be very rare times that will happen.You were put here to serve me at my whim and that is what you will do that is because i am your Domme and i deserve everything you have and make have in the future.Now its time to start your training to be the submissive that you were born to be. Victoria 1.888.430.2010