virtual giantess

October 25, 2008

fun fun

  Ok here are the answers from last week’s post.     1. Halloween is the day before All Saint’s Day. 2. Turnips were the first Jack O Lanterns 3. Mary Shelley was the mind behind Frankenstein.           As it gets colder there are new things to go and do that we have forgotten about. I get to go see foot ball games, and drink apple cider. The nights are getting cool enough to bundle up some. It’s also closer to time to begin my holiday shopping. I try to get it out of the way so I don’t have to fight crowds. This year, I am trying even harder, I will be shopping online.   Kisses, Emma
September 27, 2008

what a great week

  This week has been very interesting. You guys rock at coming up with interesting roleplays for us to do. I had one that had me grow up to a huge size after a doctor gave me an odd vaccination before a trip out of the country. One tiny man that I found in my cigarette pack really made my night. Then I had a man who shrunk smaller and smaller as I talked to him, my voice was in a pitch that shrunk people. Thank you for the fun week, and I hope a fun weekend.   Kisses, Emma  
September 13, 2008

giantess peaches

       Check out this Giantess, she’s made of peaches. So sexy and yummy ~hehe~. I would love to see something like this in real life. Or even better bring a statue like that to life and watch the tiny people scatter and scramble. Ok so maybe I wouldn’t enjoy it, but I do like thinking about it. Daydreaming is healthy so go ahead and think on it.   Kisses, Emma