sex with granny

August 2, 2012


They line up waiting on the long boards they are directed to walk to each one dressed the same as all.The crowd is whispering until they see them walking the line and looking down into the crowd.As each slave in told to come foreward the crowd gets even louder.The women loves the looks of the new slaves being auctioned off.The training of these slaves will be very  tiresome some will be trained to be sex slaves,foot,body,cuckold,stocking,shoe,etc and mainly just whatever these women want them to be these slaves are here to be auctioned off and to make sure they give the upmost pleasure to their owners if not then they will go and be auctioned off at another place that they would not want to be. Doris 1.888.430.2010
June 16, 2012

Body Paint

I so enjoy playing with body paint love being painted all those wild and wonderful colors then having it  licked from my body.Having that tongue run all over me feels so good makes me squirm all over then i get to paint you don’t i yummy i get to do whatever i want to you don’t make you squirm also as i paint those balls and cock and then run my tongue up and down them.Feels good does it not you so enjoy playing with this dirty granny of don’t you.If not then you wouldn’t keep coming back for more and more hmm. Didn’t know what you were getting into did you when you walked into my bedroom and me just coming out of the shower.Oh but you should have had some thought or you wouldn’t have just walked in as you did i think you wanted to peek in on me in the shower but you ended up getting more than you ever dreamed of didn’t you now you love getting your body paint […]