rope bondage

September 25, 2017

Rope Bondage Play

One day my partner came in, he wanted to try something, but wasn’t sure if I would say yes. So he slipped me a sleeping pill. As soon as I passed out he went to work. He pulled out a long thick rope, and started to tie my body up. He loved the idea of bondage and wanted to seem me in such pretty bondage knots all over my body. First he tied my body in a rope dress, then tied my elbows together in a elbow tie. He wanted to tie my wrists to my thighs so he put them in a handcuff knot and tied the ends into frog ties over my thighs. When I woke up and was so tightly bound, I panicked at first but then it turned me on, those tight ropes against my skin. I want to try so may new knots now and my partner is more then willing to do so. Barb 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy! #bondage #ropebondage #fetishphonesex