
December 13, 2008

Daddy, I have been an extra good girl for christmas. I am ready to go sit on Santa’s lap and tell him all about the goodies I want. Haven’t I been the best girl ever for you daddy? Better my sure I have a dry diaper beofre I sit on his lap. heehee I don’t wanna have a leak. Daddy you give the best diaper changes ever! Baby Lacy
September 29, 2008


Have you ever longed to be back in diapers again? To be completely helpless with a loving mommy or daddy who takes care of your every need? Sounds like pure bliss to me. And although I do prefer to be an adult baby girl most of the time, there is one time I like to play mommy too. And that time is when I can regress you and make you MY adult baby. In a perfect session, it would happen slowly. First I would find a good reason to diaper you. And don’t worry, I have a very good imagination. I can come up with all kinds of scenarios. After I have accomplished diapering you, things get much more simple. You will fall into your role as my baby easily. Once you are there, you will never want to leave. I am a stern but loving mommy. I will never let my baby be neglected, he will have everything he needs. Love, attention, and proper discipline. Love and spanks, Lacy