phone sex fetish

August 14, 2008


oh i bet you have just the most dirty thoughts when you look at me now don’t you? well that is ok with me i like dirty minds they can be so much fun. to play around with like when you think you have got me all figured out and i surprise you with something else different that can always be alot of fun. or maybe when you take that hard cock out of your pants and i run my tongue all up and down the shaft and head before taking him deep into my throat woo sounds good doesn’t it. but no worries it sounds good to me too. Doris
August 13, 2008

sweet nanny

i love being a nanny i think we are so very important to the babies. because we are there to teach them all the things that mommy and daddy doesn’ when if that baby has a bad dream and i come into your  room and take you into mine and tuck you under my covers and snuggle really close with you. i bet you would enjoy that. especially since you seen your daddy snuggling up close with your nanny. and he told you he had a bad dream and i was making it go away. want to snuggle up good and close with this nanny give a call sweetie. would love to do that. Rachel
August 5, 2008


do you really think you can handle this granny here i don’t think so really many many have tried and failed . but now i have to say it sure was fun trying, those hot sweaty bodies and those nice hard cocks thrusting in and out of me. they were tired long before i you think your the man for the job *huh* well i think you should give me a call and we shall see if you can keep up, Minnie 1-888-430-2010
July 30, 2008


i had a wonderful call the other day this guy just wanted to worship my ass, and oh my goodness could he. this dude took the best care of my ass that i am just amazed. we got to talking after the roleplay he said he had always had a thing for asses ever since he could remember, i told him he could come back and worship mine anytime he wanted to. MINNE
July 23, 2008


can’t you see i am so hot and ready for you won’t you cum and help me out.i need that cock of your deep inside of me thrusting in and out cum make squirm i know you can and you really want to so call me baby  i am waiting. RACHEL 1-888-430-2010
July 7, 2008

late afternoon

late one afternoon i got this phone call sitting here talking to this guy on the phone. just chatting away then i realized i had no ideal who he was but the sound of his voice i didn’t care just wanted to hear it. he had this deep sexy voice that just made me want to cream on myself, the more he talked the hotter i got, we talked about just nothing really finally after about a hour on the phone i ask for his name he said your not so and so i laughed and said no he said oh i am so sorry, i laughed again said well i’m not,before he hung i told him to please call again,never did he his name but i do hope he gets the same wrong number again.* hehee* doris