family role play

December 13, 2008

Daddy, I have been an extra good girl for christmas. I am ready to go sit on Santa’s lap and tell him all about the goodies I want. Haven’t I been the best girl ever for you daddy? Better my sure I have a dry diaper beofre I sit on his lap. heehee I don’t wanna have a leak. Daddy you give the best diaper changes ever! Baby Lacy
December 2, 2008

Daddy I am having so much fun playing in my room, drinking my baa baa and being in my diapers. I am patiently waiting for my daddy to come home and play with me. Baby Lacy
November 10, 2008

He lays me down on the bed I look over to see he has everything I might need He places his hands on my thighs and gently spreads my legs He looks into my eveys lovingly as he opens the diaper My daddy takes his time, cleaning me, making sure I am fully taken care of I love my daddy and he loves me Every gesture is that of love Of making sure his baby girl has the best care Whenever I look at my daddy, I just know… Lacy 1 888 430 2010
August 8, 2008

Dirty girl

Daddy, I was a naughty girl this morning. I went outside and got all muddy playing in the hose. I think I need daddy to give me a nice bubble bath and get me all clean. Then when I am done daddy will put me in a nice thick diaper and let me crawl into the big bed and cuddle. I love my daddy. Baby Lacy come chat with me