diaper mommy

May 6, 2019

Dirty Diaper Change

Dirty diaper doesn’t even come close to describing just how messy you are, little one! Hiding from your abdl Mommy won’t work for long with that smell following you around, but you’re such a diaper lover you hate the idea of being without yours for even a moment when Mommy changes you, don’t you? Aww, it’s cute how much you absolutely adore your crinkly diaper pants, sweetie, but Mommy just wants to take care of you and get you all cleaned up! Let’s lay you back, sugar, and I’ve got your favorite paci for you to nurse on while I get you all taken care of. My sweet adult baby sure is a stinker right now but Mommy will have you back in a clean, dry disposable abdl diaper in no time. With lots of tickling and baby talk you’ll be so lost in the moment you won’t even notice your diapee being whisked away, bottom powered and wrapped up anew! XOXO Mommy Jackie 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex mommy #diaperlover […]