couples porn

September 15, 2008

Window Shopping

     Don’t you just wish sometimes you had a wild couple in the house next door that you could peek in on? The ones that moan a little too loud and leave their curtains open a little too wide. It’s just the perfect cure for your evening boredom, watching that kinky couple next door. You feel bad about it. The next day when you see the woman checking her mail and she smiles at you, you cringe inside. You know you have memorized every curve of her body. Then you stop to think, why do they leave their curtains open, and even the window sometimes?   Riley and Jason  
June 20, 2008

Park and Ride

  It was a Monday evening and Riley and I had to get out of the house for a little while. So as we were driving around I noticed a road that we used to go down and fuck when we were first dating. As I pulled on the road Riley knew right away what I had on my mind as she was already pulling her panties off and reaching for my cock with her mouth. As she was sucking on me I knew I had to find a place to pull over. Her was up around her waist and I could see her pussy peaking from underneath. Well if you want to hear anymore you will have to call and Riley or I will be happy to tell you about our erotic stories or if you want we can fuck for you live.   Jason and Riley Swingers couple phonesex-1-888-938-7382
June 12, 2008

hardcore sex

     We’re ready. Ready to share every bit of our sex games with you. Ready to include you in our bedroom fun, and ready to share anything you like. You and Jason can take turns fucking my mouth or take me at once. Whatever you have in mind we’re ready for hardcore sex. Jason loves to share my candy pussy and I like sharing it too.   Riley and Jason 1-888-938-7382  
May 20, 2008

How Much is Enough

Have you ever been in one of those moods where you want to push your limits? If you know me you know my limits are very high especially when it comes to my sex life.So anyway as Jason and I were in bed I asked him how many orgasms could he give me. Well as you could expect he used his fingers his cock his tongue and the orgasms just kept on cumming.I do have to tell you this the end result was one fantastic sexathon that lasted almost all night and most every room in the house. If you want more details and the final orgasm total you will just have to give us a call.           Riley