
April 19, 2013

Pussy Worship

Come just a little bit closer that’s right your getting there now stay down on those knees don’t look up yet i heard that grumble from deep in your throat now for that crawl back three steps,maybe next time you won’t grumble so loudly.As you will learn that is not happening in my presents you will do as told and nothing else because runs thru that so called brain of yours. Its like you didn’t ask for this you begged and begged to be allowed to worship my sweet pussy i also told you what you would have to do in order to even get close to my pussy.Oh i have such a sweet surprise for you i watch as you crawl closer and closer  that mind of yours working overtime drooling from those lips dripping down onto the floor as you crawl even closer but never once did i tell you that i would allow you to taste this sweet pussy of mine. Victoria 1.888.430.2010