
July 15, 2008

Dirty Kitty

I don’t know about you, but cross-breeding can be fun. I went to anthrocon and met a hot wolf and his racoon friend. I hung out with them all weekend but we didn’t leave the hotel room as much as we had planned. We were having some fun of our own. This little kitty got all dirty and sticky. But boy was it fun. *giggles* Who would have known a racoon, a wolf and a itty bitty kitty could get along so well. *wink* ~Lacy kitty
July 5, 2008

Soft pink

I went to my first Anthrocon last weekend. Previously, being an adult baby girl, I also considered myself a babyfur. But after this weekend I definetly realized that I prefer the more adult side of furry fandom. I found quite a few yiffing orgies and just like a female cat in heat I was swinging my soft pink pussy in every males face. Ever had a fantasy of fucking a drop dead sexy female cat creature. You can cum pet this sweet lil pussy anytime. ~Lacy
May 25, 2008

Dirty Kitty

How about a little pussy? lol I am one dirty little kitty. Licking my twat in front of you til you can’t stand it anymore. Jump me from behind and sink those teeth into my neck. Mount this dirty kitty and gimme that hard dick. Lets get down to some serious yiffing. Maybe we can find ourselves in a fur pile. Wild, animalistic fucking in a group gets me so hot. My little furry pussy is dripping as I write this. I will even get into my fursuit for you. Lacy cum chat with me