February 27, 2017

Spanking Phone Sex With Crissy!

I need a naughty boy to test out my new paddle on.  Temporary time outs are just not enough of a punishment to teach a lesson anymore. You are in need of some proper disciplining through spanking phone sex! No other method has been as effective as spanking because empty threats aren’t enough to teach naughty adult babies  a lesson anymore. I say you grab them by the arm, bend them over your lap and get them to pull that diaper down to their ankles. Then you could decide whether you wanted to give it to them bare handed or with a paddle! I have two types of paddles I use for spankings. One is a leather paddle and one is a wooden one. I think the wooden one makes them wail and cry even more! Now get over here for your humiliation phone sex spanking session! Crissy 888-430-2010 Or click HERE to chat with a phone sex mommy! #spankingphonesex #abdldiscipline #diaperdomination  
March 27, 2012

AB/DL nurturing and discipline

  As my experience as a phone sex Mommy has taught me, little boys need AB/DL nurturing and discipline. I enjoy Mommy fantasies because they allow me to do one of the things I truly excel teaching my little ones a lesson. With some exception there are time when my little one wont pay any mind to me but they know to listen or else. On the rare more than one occasion I have to resort to spanking is a good way to re-establish boundaries. Perhaps I enjoy spanking discipline more than I should. But I know you enjoy it too. I feel Mommy’s power! There is absolutely nothing Mommy Sophia loves more than being in control of her little one. Domination via hand spanking, belts, or hairbrushes is what little bois like you need. Little boys, I invite you to give Mommy Sophia call now at 1*888*430*2010 for AB/DL nurturing and discipline I know exactly the kind of care you need don’t hesitate call Mommy Sophia 1*888*4302010