
Leather Fetish
May 4, 2012
Lick Me
May 15, 2012
Leather Fetish
May 4, 2012
Lick Me
May 15, 2012
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Mommy is waiting in the bedroom for her gift she lays long ways so as to see you enter the room.She pretends she is sleeping with her arms above her head her legs slightly spread apart juices dripping because she is so hot for you.Mommy starts to doze off and on because you have taken way too long to get home with her gift.Then she hears the doorbell thinking you forgot your key she goes down and answers the door but its not you its a long time friend stopping by on their way out of town she invites him in and one thing leads to another and they end up in bed the friend in really having fun between mommy’s legs when you walk in with her gift but way too late mommy already got her special gift.

