Rates - The Dirty Diary
All calls are discreetly billed as “Madison Enterprise”. All calls from the United States and Canada are $1.99/min. All International calls are $1.99/min.WE ACCEPT Credit and Debit Cards FAQ’s What is It’s a place where ladies who work in the Adult Sex Industry come to share there day to day experiences. They very sexual, extreme, and intense women who love every aspect of a sexual attraction and decided to make a living doing just what they love! These ladies have personal experience in all fetishes and like to share there knowledge and fun with people such as yourself.How do I place a call? It’s very simple, just call 1-888-430-2010 and you will be connected to the dispatcher who will take your payment information and connect you to the girl of your choice. Feel free to look around the site to find the perfect naughty girl for you! We have so many different girls such as; Babysitters, mommies, MILF’s, Grannies, and more, with unique sexual talents.Do you have any other payment options? Yes we do. […]